Video: Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 2017/2018 Walk Through and Review

Hey everyone! I’ve been trying to get something on here for a while now, but I usually either start and don’t finish, or I just don’t have the time to start at all (Not that “no time” is the only reason, but still). But, no matter the reason, it’s been awhile since I posted to this site, and I think it’s about time to change that!

So, late last year, I got to visit the Winter Wonderland holiday fair that that takes place at Hyde Park in London every year. Though having a massive fair in heart of one of the worlds most fantastic cities is already amazing as it is, this is no ordinary U.K. “funfair”. What sets this event apart is the rides, out of the many dozens of large attractions at Winter Wonderland, I’d say only about 10% of them are actually from the U.K.. So, where does that leave the remaining 90%, you may ask? None other than the “holy land” of big funfair attractions: Mainland Europe, and more specifically, Germany and The Netherlands. For those who don’t know, west and central Europe is essentially the capital of gigantic, over the top traveling rides, with many of the “Worlds Largest Traveling… (blank)” being both built and operated in the general area. With some of the most legendary German/Dutch attractions, such as Olympia Looping, Hangover (The Tower), and The Gladiator, being present at Winter Wonderland, it’s no surprise I spent countless sleepless nights leading up to the event.

Now, I could go on and write an entire novel talking about the whole fair and all the rides, but I don’t have to, because I already made a video doing just that! I know it’s a bit late, but I’d rather having a slightly late post than no post at all. Plus this fair contains so much awesome that there’s never NOT a good time to talk about it! So with out further ado, here’s the review:


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